Blog # 19: Basque in the glory: why staying true to your authentic self pays off

On the 6th of April this year, tens of thousands of Athletic Bilbao football club fans packed the streets of the Basque Country. The club’s red, white and black scarves, flags and jerseys waved from windows, stadiums, streets and cars as what seemed like the entire population of the small nation came to a halt to celebrate their football club’s …

Blog# 18 Breaking Up With Swag: Prioritizing Substance Over Stuff

If you ever attended a birthday party as a child, I’m sure you remember the excitement of, in the end, being handed a colourful party loot bag filled with individually wrapped sweets, a mini packet of crisps or chips, and lots of little plastic toys. These were things that were ripped open, devoured, played with, and discarded as quickly as …

Blog #17: Let’s get practical and tactical about regenerative events

This blog is part two of my Event Evolution: Towards a Sustainable Future miniseries. If you missed the first one, you can read it here. In it, I share my framework for Destination Marketing Organisations to create sustainable, regenerative events. It’s a framework that shows how simply making small tweaks to your current planning process can have you well on …

Blog #16 Event Evolution: Towards a Sustainable Future

If climate change is close to your heart and business, you’re buzzing with the knowledge we need to take action.  But with information overload, seemingly ever-changing advice, and work continuing to pile up, you panic. There’s so much to do you don’t know where to start, so you don’t start at all. It’s overwhelming.  I felt the same way.  I’ve …

Blog #13 Train vs Plane: why staying grounded is the best solution

In my last blog, I talked about our family’s summer travels to the UK and Europe. We took a Slow Travel approach to both leisure and business, with a focus on sustainable and responsible travel. So, when I went from the UK to Germany to visit my long-time pen pal, we chose to go by rail rather than air. Rail …